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Logo Designing

Create a Catchy Modern Creative Graphics

We are the logo designing company in chennai.A logo is based on some combinations you see while googling, which might be in no way related to your brand/ company. Catchy Technologies is the best logo designing company in Chennai, India. Do you like to have any particular theme or color combinations in your logo, we are here to help you out, give us just the inspiration and we design a whole logo with it. We start by creating a concept that relates to your brand with inspiration. The entire concept is suppressed into a logo by our professional logo creators and the mockup demonstration happens. We are also the best web designing company in chennai.

Dosa World
Vinayak Residency
Rated 5 of 5
Best Logo Designing Company in Chennai

Types of Logo

A logo is a crucial element in promoting a brand or a business. It is the visual representation of your enterprise and can attract potential customers. A well-designed logo provides a company with a unique identity in the market, making it easy for people to identify and remember your business.

Monogram (or) Letter marks
Monogram (or) Letter marks
Monogram logos or lettermarks are logos that consist of letters, usually brand initials. NASA, IBM, CNN, HP, HBO…
Word marks
Word marks
Similar to a lettermark, a wordmark or logotype is a font-based logo that focuses on a business’ name alone, like Google, Visa and Coca-Cola.
Pictorial marks
Pictorial marks
A pictorial mark (sometimes called brand mark or logo symbol) is an icon—or graphic-based logo. It’s probably the image that comes to mind when you think logo. like Apple, Twitter etc..
Abstract marks
Abstract marks
An abstract mark is a specific type of pictorial logo. Instead of being a recognizable image, it’s an abstract geometric form that represents the business like Pepsi, Adidas etc...
A mascot is simply an illustrated character that represents your company. Think of them as the ambassador for your business. Famous mascots include the Kool-Aid Man, KFC’s Colonel and Planter’s Mr. Peanut.
Combination marks
Combination marks
A combination mark is a logo comprised of a combined wordmark or lettermark and a pictorial mark, abstract mark, or mascot like Doritos, Burger King and Lacoste.
The Emblem
The Emblem
An emblem logo consists of font inside a symbol or an icon; think badges, seals and crests. These logos tend to have a traditional appearance about them that can make a striking impact, thus they are often the go-to choice for many schools, organizations or government agencies like Starbucks coffee, Harley Davidson etc..

Steps in Graphic Designing

Being one of the top graphic designing companies in Chennai, we believe anything and everything requires planning and we do follow it. With professional logo designers in the city, our team of logo designers, initially gather the inspiration and client requirement. With a better understanding of the client, we design a rough layout of the logo with the suggested color combination and theme. At every stage, client approval is obtained till the end of the final output. We provide the best quality services and we stand high for our timely delivery.we developed graphics for the companies like CTARS,City indian spicy food and more..